Let us be clear my position on Israel and antisemitism comes from a unique position.

You see I am Jewish

I have always supported my community. I support Israel’s right to exist. I am against antisemitism. Bullying and hate of any kind can not be tolerated against our community.

I am glad others are saying they support our community now but my support is unwavering. It always has been. It is part of my lived experience. Much of my extended family came from Poland and Germany to start a new life in Canada. I am certain half my family tree was wiped out in the holocaust. This experience is part of my collective history.

While a peaceful solution is possible for the State of Israel, history shows us that no matter what concessions Israel makes the state is always under threat of attack. This is why Israeli citizens have had mandatory military duty for several years.

Terrorist activities have targeted Jews for Millenia as witnessed by the Munich Olympic massacre, Entebbe, the Yum Kippur War and the recent October 7 massacre.Hate crimes in Canada against Jews are increasing dramatically. Recently, university campuses have been a hotbed of hate with Palestinian encampments. Our religious centre has been firebombed. Statements such as from the “River to the Sea” really mean the massacre of all the Jews. In other ways, our community has made progress and our wonderful country values great freedom and equality. As late as the 1960’s Jews could not enter key professional fields like medicine. I have heard recently that Jewish law firms formed in the past because many law firms would not hire Jews.

Canada only has a few Jewish MPs in the country and if elected I vow to stand with my community as a proud Jew. I will always have our communities back. This is one of the reasons I am running in Granville. This is the heart of our community. We deserve peace and security at home and abroad.Our community needs the help at the House of Commons that I can provide. Just this week Birju Dattani was appointed the head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Yet, he has an alleged association with people linked to terror groups and a history of antisemitic statements according to a recent article in the National Post.

This is not the first example of issues with Liberal government appointees and contracts. In 2022, the federal government terminated a contract. It demanded money back when Laith Marouf, a senior consultant with the Community Media Advocacy Centre, was accused of posting antisemitic content on X (formerly Twitter). What was the group he worked for hired to do? It was to fight antisemitism. When the going gets tough I will not wilt. I will be there for our Jewish community and I will fight against antisemitism.

It’s part of who I am as a Jew and a Conservative. I will fight for you and the issues that matter to you!