Mark Bowen’s Priorities and Credentials

Vote for Proven Experience and Leadership

Credentials matter for a potential MP. It is a difficult job. My years of business background in publishing for the home building industry, and in small business as a top-ranked international photographer along with my education give me the required skills to do the job.

The needs of Vancouver Granville are very specific!

Combating Antisemitism

Mark stands against antisemitism, advocating for accountability and community support.

Supporting Small Businesses

He aims to reduce over-regulation and promote job creation, ensuring a thriving local economy.

Addressing Inflation and Debt

Mark focuses on fiscal responsibility to protect taxpayers and manage public funds effectively.

Improving Healthcare

He supports bringing in foreign-trained professionals to address healthcare shortages and improve access.

Tackling Housing Affordability

Mark advocates for reducing regulatory burdens to increase housing availability and affordability.

Enhancing Public Safety

He supports robust law enforcement and crime prevention measures.

Learn more

My Priorities and CredentialsVote for experience and qualifications.
Vote for Mark Bowen.
I am truly a Conservative.
My policies and values align with those of our leader. The right person for the job!

Credentials matter for a potential MP. It is a difficult job. My years of business background in publishing for the home building industry, and in small business as a top-ranked international photographer along with my education give me the required skills to do the job.

The needs of Vancouver Granville are very specific!

Antisemitism is disgusting. There is no place for antisemitic acts, and those responsible must be held accountable. These are hate crimes. Those responsible for antisemitic acts don’t know us, our community, our hopes, dreams and fears.

Antisemitic acts are on the rise. Our synagogs are firebombed, and universities are overrun with antisemitic rhetoric and camps. Jewish students feel threatened on campus. Restaurant owners are threatened. Even in politics, I have been told Jews are not a minority and we are not a disadvantaged group.

We need the help at the House of Commons that I can provide.

Small Business and Job Creation. Bring Home Powerful Paycheques
Vancouver Granville with its large swath of the Broadway corridor is the job creation and small business engine of Vancouver. Let us bring home powerful paycheques to Granville. Conservatives will help enable Granville residents to get better paycheques by helping businesses thrive and survive, so higher wages can be paid and more workers hired.

Let us help but get rid of the gatekeepers. Over-regulation and over-taxation are making it very difficult for hard-working small businesses to continue. As a small business owner and MBA, I understand the needs and issues of running a small business.

Inflation, Debt and the Economy
Under the Federal Liberal Government, we are all worse off than 8 years ago. It is time for a change. When the Trudeau government does not control debt, deficit and spending our payments on debt increase. This means less of the government's money is used to help you. Right now the interest payments on debt are as high as transfer payments to the provinces for healthcare.It is not sustainable. Budgets do not balance themselves. As an MP I would work to make sure your hard-earned tax dollars are used efficiently.

A Small Business Advocate
Our business sector growth has seen very small growth compared to that of the ever-increasing size of the Federal government, which has grown by more than 35% in a few years. Granville needs more business growth if we want more jobs and powerful paycheques for our children.

Affordable Housing and Rentals
Vancouver Granville is Home To Some of the Most Expensive Homes and Rentals in the Country.
Housing is the second highest concern for Canadians. It is time for a change! An average 1 bedroom in our area is now closing in on $3,000 per month. Friends of mine have had to move to other areas and out of the province to afford housing. Other new friends are having to move as their apartment building is being torn down and they have to move into smaller more expensive units. We have a housing crisis.

It all started with our Prime Minister Trudeau. 8 years ago, payments on average home cost 40% of the median family income; 8 years later, that number is 66% and housing prices have nearly doubled. Before Trudeau, it took 25 years to pay off a mortgage – now, it takes 25 years to save for downpayment. Paired with ever-increasing interest rates, Canada is facing one of the worst housing crises the world has ever seen.

We have had over-regulations that impede economic progress and impose high fees that discourage the construction of more affordable houses. In fact, in Vancouver, gatekeepers and regulations add $1.3 million to the cost of the average home; over 60% of housing prices you pay in Vancouver are due to fees, regulations, and taxes!

Our leader has said he would work to give more money to the City of Vancouver if it builds and meets targets. Conservatives would require the City of Vancouver to increase the number of homes built each year; if targets are missed, Vancouver will have to catch up in the following years. As an MP, I would work with the City of Vancouver to encourage the building of houses by rewarding the COV for removing regulations and reaching its targets with a building bonus.

Healthcare Needs to be Fixed
With VGH, BC Cancer, and Children’s Hospital, healthcare Granville is one of the largest healthcare and health products supply areas of BC.  

A close friend of mine recently had to move to Ontario partly because his partner a trained nurse could not work in BC.

As a Conservative MP, I would work with our province to improve healthcare delivery, worker shortages and standards.

Our current healthcare system is worse than it ever had been. Despite promises, Trudeau has failed to solve Canada’s shortage of healthcare professionals, with trajectories predicting a shortage of nearly 44 thousand physicians before the end of this decade. The problem is gatekeepers and regulations are keeping thousands of foreign-qualified professionals from working in Canada. Over 53 thousand trained professionals could be filling our healthcare shortage. The aftermath has been deadly: over 6 million Canadians do not have access to a family doctor, and emergency rooms are being forced to close due to nursing shortages. That is why the lack of mobility for doctors in Canada has been emphasized by the Canadian Medical Association as a major flaw within Canada’s current healthcare system.

I believe in bringing in foreign-trained medical professionals. Pierre Pollievre proposes a “Blue Seal” national testing standard for licensing. This plan would allow for faster licensing and evaluations of abroad professionals and increase healthcare mobility across provinces, ultimately, leading a better path toward solving Canada’s critical healthcare shortage.

Granville Crime
Crime, random assaults, drug use and property crime have been increasing in our area. In 2022 Vancouver Police arrested 40 people who were responsible for 6,000 crimes. Federal Liberals and the NDP changed parts of the criminal code so that it is nearly impossible for our courts to jail violent offenders after they are arrested. By focusing on crime prevention and empowering law enforcement, as an MP I would work as part of a Conservative government to create safer streets.


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