Support Mark Bowen in the Nomination Contest

Together we can bring positive change to our neighbourhood

With six years of local campaign experience, including the 2021 Vancouver Granville campaign, I am the most qualified nominee to secure a Conservative victory. I’ve worked on 15 campaigns, made over 45,000 calls, and understand the community’s concerns and aspirations. My deep local knowledge and relationships uniquely position me to win this seat. As the only nominee from the main 2021 team, I have the experience and drive to bring a Conservative voice to our riding. Call me at 604.341.6033 to discuss our community’s future.

Mark Bowen
MP Nomination Candidate for Vancouver-Granville
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Google - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“One of a kind service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Sophie Moore
VP of Design at Google
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
YouTube - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“The best service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Matt Cannon
Developer at YouTube
Team Member - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Pinterest - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“An amazing service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

John Carter
Designer at Pinterest

To ensure Mark Bowen becomes the Conservative candidate for Vancouver-Granville, follow these steps:

Register Your Support: Confirm your backing for Mark.

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Join the Party: Ensure your Conservative Party membership is active.

If not a member, join the Conservative Party for $15 to vote.

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Donate or Volunteer

Your support is crucial to make a change! Contributions fund outreach and events, while volunteers help spread the message. Join Mark in making a difference in Vancouver-Granville.

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Vote for Mark at the meeting

Mark needs to be nominated before he can run for MP. Come to the nomination meeting to nominate him as your candidate for the riding. The place at time will be announced at the later date.

Register to vote for Mark
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Only voters living in this electoral district can vote for me.

Consists of that part of the Metro Vancouver Regional District comprising that part of the City of Vancouver described as follows: commencing at the intersection of West 2nd Avenue and Ontario Street; thence southerly along said street and its intermittent production to East 16th Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Main Street; thence southerly along said street to East 49th Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Fraser Street; thence southerly along said street and its production to the southerly limit of said city; thence generally westerly along said city limit to the southerly production of Cambie Street, that being a point in the Fraser River at approximate latitude 49°12'14"N and longitude 123°07'03"W; thence northerly along said production and Cambie Street to West 57th Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue to Granville Street; thence northerly along said street to West 41st Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue to West Boulevard; thence generally northerly along said boulevard and Arbutus Street to McNicoll Avenue; thence easterly along said avenue to Maple Street; thence northerly along said street and its production to the mouth of English Bay at approximate latitude 49°16'56"N and longitude 123°09'00"W; thence southeasterly along said bay to False Creek; thence southeasterly and northeasterly along False Creek to Cambie Bridge; thence southerly along said bridge and Cambie Street to West 2nd Avenue; thence northeasterly and easterly along said avenue to the point of commencement.